Monday, 17 January 2011

Have You Ever Experienced Love?

Have you ever experienced someone who you know for sure will always be there for you when you are most in need of a pillar of emotional support?

Have you ever experienced someone who you know for sure will never judge you no matter what you tell him/her out of your insecurities?

Have you ever experienced someone who has thought of you in a better light than you have of yourself? 

Have you ever experienced someone who has seen beyond your weaknesses and recognised and acknowledged your gifts and goodness? 

Have you ever experienced someone who stands from afar and watches out for you?

Have you ever experienced someone who would give you time amidst his/her super busy schedule?

Have you ever experienced someone who asks around, person after person, just looking for the help that you need? 

Have you ever experienced someone who has been to you everything I have mentioned above... all these wonderful experiences coming from just 1 single person?

I have been blessed to have experienced all these from more than one person in my life and still experiencing even now. If you have experienced it too, you must know that it is so heart-warming just reminiscing these blessings God has given to us through these people He has sent into our lives. You must know, too, how treasured, how precious those moments are, of which we intimately touched love, compassion, mercy, understanding, selflessness, care, consideration, etc through what these angels in our lives have been to us and done for us. 

Putting ourselves at the other end of the rainbow of love shifts our disposition as the receiver to that of the giver. For us to have experienced all these heart-warming acts of love and kindness, someone had to "give". If we know how wonderful those acts of love had made us feel, how they cheered up our dullness, lift our souls up in our despair and inject the hope and faith that someone does truly care for us, then we will also be aware of the same love, happiness, hope and faith others will receive if WE GIVE of our time, energy, attention, affirmation, understanding, compassion and acceptance. 

Show mercy to others as God has been merciful towards us in His continued blessings and protection.
Show compassion to others especially those who are sick, aged, dying and suffering as how we would want others to be to us when we one day become reliant on a wheelchair, dependent on a caregiver or confined to the bed. 
Be quick to forgive, the way God is always ready to embrace us into His loving arms even though in many times, we are less than being truly sorry and aware of how our sins have hurt God and others. 
Give unto others the good that we ourselves have received from others.
Give unto others the good that we ourselves have received from God's own hands in His blessings.

We have no reason or excuse to refuse others what we ourselves have received and enjoyed not by our own merits but solely by the infinite grace and mercy of God. 
We have no reason or excuse to love any lesser than a fellow human being who is not Catholic since we are the only ones who have the perfect example of love - Jesus. 

To what extent do we choose to be the symbol of God's love to others? 
How far do we choose to go in loving, caring and helping others around us? 
How much of God's ways do we choose to follow? 
How closely do we want to follow in Christ's way of love? 
Are we truly serious and determined and decided or just paying a lip service or worse still, consoling ourselves with diplomatic answers to these questions for the sake of reducing our "guilt" of not taking God more seriously in our lives? 

17 January 2011, Monday

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