Monday, 13 December 2010

Did He Tell You?

Did God speak to me today? 

This morning, the sun shone strongly upon the earth. I felt the heat upon my skin and it kept me warm. The water in my bottle did not freeze and I could drink it to hydrate my body. The plants took in sunlight to photosynthesize and I know I will continue to have greens for fibre. God knew these needs of mine and He was in the sunshine.

I met friends in the canteen and over a cup of orange juice, we interacted and communicated our mutual acceptance and affirmed our friendship. I felt accepted and loved. God knew these needs of mine and He was also in that interaction. 

This afternoon, the blue sky was dotted with clouds and the trees swayed in one direction in the wind. I opened the windows and felt the breeze upon my face; it cooled me down and brought me to the "top of the mountain". I gazed in wonder of the white fluffy puffs moving from left to right, like a film strip projected onto the sky. I experienced the beauty of Creation. God knew these needs of mine and He was in that nature.

I was tired and I lied down on my bed to sleep. I rested my worn out body. God knew these needs of mine and He was in the comfort of my bed and in my sleep. 

This evening, the whole family was over and we had dinner together. I felt the warmth of family; one complete and to call my own. Mom cooked my favourite dishes and I pampered my taste buds, warmed and filled my tummy, and felt the love of a mother. God knew these needs of mine and He was in my family and in the food that prevents starvation. 

I needed to stay up to rush out some work tonight. In the silence, soothing music enhances the peace of the night, offers company and provides a conducive environment for efficient work. God knew these needs of mine and He was in that instrumental music. 

In all these that God was "in", He spoke one message and that message is "LOVE"; His great Providential love for me. He told me how much He loves me in the most sweet, subtle, and gentle of ways. 

Did He speak to you today too? Has He told you how much He loves you? 

Did you hear Him? 

13 December 2010, Monday

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