I walked on and saw another tree; its branches are teeming with life. Although initially, this load of leaves look like just another clump of greens, gazing upon it longer, I realised that this tree is life-giving. It conveys LIFE, it is "full" so to speak and it provides good shelter for those who sit under it to keep cool from the sweltering heat of the afternoon.
Comparing these 2 trees, just within 50m apart from each other at MacRitchie reservoir, we can reflect and examine the state of our lives. The first picture, though it may look like some artsy abstract art piece, likens to a life that is superficial and focused on the exterior - we may feel good, pleasured in our senses, pampered by the luxuries and comforts of the world but is our life truly filled? Or is it as barren, empty and lifeless as this tree? The second picture likens to a life that is seemingly unattractive but full - full of God, full of life. A life that is God-centred gives "shelter" to those who are lost, in pain and suffering.
Today being Christmas, it is the birthday of Jesus. Are our lives filled with the presence of Jesus or is it empty? Have we focused so much on the commercialised value of Christmas that our Christmas is represented by the first picture? Or have we prepared our hearts more fully during Advent to receive Jesus more fully into our more purified hearts? Are we more willing to seek His will, obey His will, love the way He loves, etc? Christ can be born a million times in Bethlehem and it will still be futile unless He is born in our hearts today. Let us come to realise the importance and the joy of living a Christ-centred life, and open our hearts to Jesus, asking Him to enter and make a home in us.
25 December 2010, Saturday
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