Thursday, 8 July 2010

There is a Time

There is a time for everything; There is a time to play, to work, to eat, to rest, to interact, to cry, to be silent and to pray. And all in life happens in God's time, not ours. In a minute, He can want something of us and in another minute, change it to something else. Do we have the wisdom and obedience to go along with God's time and will or do we stubbornly follow what we want to do in our own time? Do we need to make sense and understand why God changed His mind in a flash to buy His idea? Perhaps, it takes humility to recognise that surely, God knows better what is good. At the foundation, it takes awareness to realise if we are doing something in sync with His plan by that familiar feeling of "affinity" and "peace" in doing His will. If there isn't that peace within, then we'd better move fast according to His promptings. A distracted and noisy mind can never sense God's promptings to do what He wants us to do. Going against our nature of obeying God's will dilutes the peace we have in our hearts as we are not in sync with what we are called to do, our very core purpose to fulfil, given when God first breathed life into us. 

The fight against the increasing lures of the world and noises to break our focus requires much discipline to prayer and the humility to acknowledge that we have lost our focus on God throughout the day's busy schedule and we need time at the end of the day to sit in silence, be still and get lost in the presence of God. We need constant intervals during which to make the deliberate effort to inject God back into our lives before we slowly forget about Him and leave Him out entirely eventually. 

What does it take for us to have God in our lives? We have so much on our plate everyday and yet, do we still have to find time for this God? Much to our surprise, it is precisely that we have so much on our plate that we need God to keep us sane! Before Him, we can finally pull down our defences, our pride and ego, our hurts and pains, our need to appear strong and confident, and we can be who we really are, as we really are. Isn't it pointless ever trying to fake a front before God who knows our every thought and feeling? Getting in touch with who we really are brings us back to the knowledge of ourselves and we can see better our faults and weaknesses. The journey from the brain we use too often throughout the day to the heart grounds us in the reality that we are humans, creatures, in a relationship with our creator - God. We return back to the core of our being and here in this core, in this relationship and connection with God, we find ourselves and we find peace.

08 July 2010

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