Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Praise for the Rain

O God,
I praise You for the rain
That speaks of Your faithful love to me.
For it falls on good and bad alike,
Even on those who’s turned their backs on You.

The rain that waters the soil of the earth
And brings forth goodness to nourish our bodies.
The farmers rejoice in its abundance,
They dance with joy before the harvest.

I join with them to sing Your praise,
To tell of Your goodness through my life.
For each time I walk away from You –
And God, You know how easily I do –
Your faithful love never cease to fall on me,
To call me back into Your arms.
Your faithful love looks out into the distance.
It runs to meet me, to bring me home.

O Lord,
At times, Your rain brings a flood,
And peoples’ lives are lost in it.
Buildings destroyed and towns are ruined.
People would ask, “Lord, where are You?!”

And yet Your faithful love remains,
A constant call for me to trust
 Beyond my understanding and agreement
That Your faithful love does have a plan.
That You will allow these sufferings of mine
Only because You can turn them into good.

If I but trust in You, my God,
To go beyond my fears and doubts,
To let Your love embrace me full.
O God, I thank You for the rain.
Oh let my life be soaked with it.

~ 05 October 2013

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