Being Day 4 of Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Scripture:‘Peace I leave you, my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give’ (Jn.14:27 ).
Meditation: The peace of Christ can never be imposed from without nor can it ever be sustained by force. It is not just an absence of enmity nor is it a mere cessation of hostility. It is not just a flower that blossoms in prosperity. It is a deep-rooted plant that survives in times of hardship.
The peace of Christ is a gift of God, given to those who seek it, and strengthened by those who share it. It is the blessing of a good conscience that brings happiness to the individual. It is the union of minds and hearts that gives life to any community .
Prayer: Lord, still my restless heart and let me be an instrument of your peace. May the peace of Christ unite us all and reign in all the troubled quarters of our world .
27 June 2011, Monday
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