Adapted from a discovery during my most recent retreat
with special thanks to Fr Puspo SJ, who taught & reminded me that God truly is the Master of our lives
The Lord is the Master of my life; nothing, absolutely nothing, can ever get to me before first getting the approval of my heavenly Father. This is how my life has been, is and will always be in His mighty, loving and caring hands. This is also how everything that has happened, is happening and will ever happen, fits perfectly in God's flawless plan for me.
The struggles and "curses" I once thought I had, have, beyond my understanding and expectations, been my blessings and riches;
The blessings and "riches" I once thought I had, have, beyond my foresight, become my struggles and curses. This drastic and incomprehensible shift is the thoughtful and generous work of God Himself, when He started to shift me out from the world one year ago.
If I were to give you 1litre of icy-cold water after you had drunk your fill for the day, what value (on a scale of 0-10) would you tag to this litre of icy-cold water? Compare this value to the next. If I were to give you 1litre of icy-cold water after you had been trekking in the jungle for 8hours without water, how different a value (on the same scale of 0-10) would you tag to this icy-cold water? The same amount of water, loaded with the same amount of ice, means a world apart to the same person in two vastly different situations. In which situation would you value the icy-cold water more, and how much more? We do not need to actually trek in the jungle for 8hours or drink down 1litre of icy-cold water thereafter; we have experienced thirst and we have tasted the soothing comfort of iced water on a hot day and so, we know.
If God had not planned for me to thirst so badly for security and stability, I would never have been able to, as much as I have, comprehend and recognise the Absolute security that only God can give. I would still be groping on earth and trying to look for security from all the other sources that do not have the real capacity to provide for this need. In Him alone can I rest, safely. In Him alone can there be continued stability and consistency because He is faithful and unchanging; He cannot be better or worse according to time or moods for He is the Absolute Goodness.
If I had never been afraid, will I ever move away from being self-sufficient, proud, arrogant and independent to accept my creature-hood and to rely on my Creator in humility and obedience?
If I had never experienced the pain of rejection and of being unloved, how can I possibly know the preciousness of God's infinite love for me and acceptance of who I am?
If I had never experienced unjust treatments, I would never have known the sufferings and torments of the oppressed, rejected, poor and abandoned. I would never understand the pain Jesus suffered when He was accused, tortured and crucified as a criminal.
If not for my brokenness and sufferings, what need have I for God's saving grace?
If I had never sinned and turned back to God, what joy and peace would have slipped me by that would otherwise be experienced through His mercy and forgiveness!
If I had never condemned myself in the way I lived, would I appreciate as much the God who patiently waited, called and rescued me from the pits?
I have received because I have lacked,
I have been strengthened because I was weak,
just like He had resurrected because He first died... the God of Wisdom and Providence.
How has this same God crafted your own life formation?
How has He intended to use your trials and sufferings for His greater glory?
Are you still stuck at feeling sore about your life's down moments?
Perhaps, like mine, they were blessings in disguise, which you had left unnoticed...
19 June 2011, Sunday