Sunday, 1 May 2011

Imitating Christ's Leadership

Over the days, I have progressed from being excited over all the talks about the upcoming General Election to recognising the unsettledness it has created within me. The GE has innocently and helplessly become the platform for Man's greed, backstabbing, hunger for power, LIES, pride, arrogance, condemnation of others, deception, more lies to cover previous lies, criticisms, gossips, accusations, manipulations, taking others for granted, betrayal, misusing trust and breaking trust, etc. It has become the devil's workshop, not just for those standing for election but it is also increasing the darkness in our hearts. It is one thing to support one party we want to entrust our future to. It's another to get involved with all the gossips, criticisms, condemnations, etc.

The purpose of having a government has been long forgotten, be it in Singapore or elsewhere. As Christ came to show us, He, the Master, washed the feet of His disciples, and He instructed them to wash one another's feet. Although Jesus is God & King, His Kingship was and is one of service. Till today, He is still "serving" us in our everyday living - listening to our cries, tolerating our indifference towards Him when we do not need Him, interceding on our behalf to God our Father, providing for our every need, etc. He is God and yet, He is humbler than any of us, to the point of laying down His own life for our sake. How is it that people can stand before a crowd and proclaim themselves to be the best leader, the best choice, when their intentions are tainted with impurities? How is it that they are able to speak ill about others publicly, proudly and confidently? We set a very bad example for the younger generations, putting to waste all efforts sincere educators and parents have put in over the many years to instill the right values. It seems, suddenly, the right thing to do to shame another in front of others. What difference are we from the crowd who shamed, insulted, accused, condemned and brought down Jesus? If all the candidates can take after the example set by Jesus, what a wonderful government they will form, whoever it consists of, what blessing it will be to the people.

Leadership is about service for the common good. It is not for Man's own personal glorification.The true spirit of a leader is clearly lived out by Gandhi in all sincerity. God is the One who grants authority to Man, gives Man the intelligence and wisdom to govern. If Man chooses against exercising his authority responsibly and sincerely, he must know that one day, when he meets his Maker, he will have to account for every misuse of that authority and many other gifts bestowed upon him. The justice of God will always prevail, despite how much we may try to deceive ourselves otherwise. Jesus told Pilate that he would have no authority over Him if it had not been given from above (from God). Pilate, too, did not stand by the Truth, and gave in to his own insecurities and fears. He was not responsible in his usage of authority.

When we watch the rallies, the videos on YouTube, read the papers, we will inevitably form our own opinions in agreement and disagreement. But we have to keep in mind our Christian values. We cannot allow ourselves to enter the devil's workshop and join with the crowd in all their vices. We have to stand firm on the life that Jesus came to call us to live. Yes, we will vote, and we must vote for the common good, whichever side that leads us to. In the meantime, we have to get back to ground, return to the Cross of Life, recognize with compassion and mercy that each candidate is a fellow human person, a son or daughter of God the Father, and no matter how undeserving we may judge them to be, they deserve basic human respect and dignity. Let's settle within our hearts to restore the peace only God can give.

1 May Sunday 2011

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