Saturday, 19 March 2011

So Much

We are precious, indescribably precious... 
If not in anyone's eyes, surely, in the eyes of God.
We are loved, infinitely loved...
If not in anyone's hearts, surely, in the heart of God. 
We do matter, a great deal in fact...
If not in anyone's thoughts, surely, in the thoughts of God. 
Even if everyone in the whole world thinks we are junk, insignificant and rejects us, we can still hold firm to the truth that we are sons and daughters of the Father, loved, cared for, protected and created in His own image and likeness. God's inclusive love, Christ's inclusive death on the cross, are for everyone from all races, generations, nationalities. We must mean so much to Him... that much that He would go through so much pain and sufferings just to open the door of salvation to us, undeserving sinners. Now, let's open wider the door to our hearts so that He may enter more fully and make a home in us.

Saturday 19 Mar 2011

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