A child was screaming in absolute agony; he was in fear, in shock, in pain. And then, there was another child. He was crying, pleading, "Please, mummy, daddy, please protect me!" And another, "Give me a chance; don't do this!" Yet, no one heard any of these cries; no one would care to attend to them either. The child continues wailing and he wails even louder as the security in his placenta was so cruelly robbed from him, his dignity, removed. Part by part, piece by piece, he was ripped apart; arms, legs, pulled into bits; rejected and unloved, thrown away by the very people who he once thought will protect him, and by the people who God has gifted with a special mission to save and protect lives, ironically. Yes, I am talking about abortion.
It takes great love, wisdom and courage to watch this video as it allows us to know the cruelty of man and come face to face with the sad reality of this world, thus allowing us to understand better the pain and suffering of our Lord and be better able to identify with Him.
Perhaps, we might ask ourselves, "Why does God allow this to happen?" or "Does God know that this mother will murder her own child? If He does, why did He still give life in her womb?" To understand this, we must first comprehend the gift of "free will" that God has given to us. Every man and woman knows that sexual intercourse will lead to conception. It is the process of human reproduction that even the 11 year old children have learned in their Science syllabus. Hence, out of free will (though not all the time), a woman allows herself to conceive. And God blesses her with a child. Then, she has to exercise her free will and choose if she is going to keep and protect the child or kill it. There is no option 3. When God gives life, He gives it out of pure love. He forms the new being in his mother's womb and sees that the child becomes the best (not by our standards) gift for the couple.
Imagine for a moment that you are a little girl or boy again, 4 years old. Christmas is approaching but you have no money to buy wonderful gifts for your parents. You take some drawing paper, doodle some colours on it, fold it barely into a heart shape, and add the words "Merry Christmas, Mum and Dad. I love you." Looking at the finished art of innocent love, you feel so happy, accomplished and enthusiastic to present it to Mum and Dad on Christmas morning. The day finally arrived; you get up in complete excitement and take out the heart shape Christmas gift from that secret place you had hid the gift for so many agonising days. You run to Mum and Dad, and yell, "Merry Christmas!!" and hand them the gift. Mum took the gift, her smile dropped, she had a frown on her face. She stared down at you and said, "What's this?! It looks horrible!" and walks to the corner of the room and throws it into the dustbin. Can you imagine what pain will pierce through your heart? Did you know beforehand that Mum will treat your sincere gift in this manner? Can you imagine what greater pain has pierced through the Compassion Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary every time another child is brutally murdered?
Take a look at these instruments. As you scroll down, look at how hard, cold and harsh these metal pieces are. Think again of who these are used on; poor, defenceless, innocent, tender, mild, soft, small. They are just babies!! How can anyone with a heart and soul use such weapons against these who are completely defenceless?!!
Consider that every life, no matter classified by the doctor as normal or deformed, is precious. Consider that every life, no matter how small, deserves to be given a chance to grow and live, and fulfil God's purpose for him in his life.
Every mother, no matter how challenged, must be responsible in her duty to love and protect the life growing within her.
Every doctor, regardless of his personal beliefs, must fulfil his duty to save and protect lives.

Every Catholic must realise what pain this world is causing to our Lord by just this single sin of abortion and plead earnestly for God's mercy and forgiveness.
Let us pray that God will move our hearts and stir within us, a greater compassion for these helpless little lives that have no one to love, protect and care for them.
13 November 2010
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